
Columcille Megalith Park
2155 Fox Gap Road, Bangor, PA 18013
(610) 588-1174
Dawn to dusk. Call or check website for special events.

A beautiful walking park with "megaliths", giant celtic stones similar to the ones at Stonehenge, strategically placed. Periodic celtic celebrations like Maypoles, group meditations, "pageants", concerts and other events on equinox days and other special events.

Kirkridge Retreat and Study Center
2495 Fox Gap Road, Bangor, PA 18013
(610) 588-1793

The web site calls it "rooted in Christ", but it's not fundamentalist at all. Programs for Lesbian/Gay, etc. groups, therapeutic recovery groups, yoga, peace activist groups, Native American spiriualism and more programs like that. Very beautiful mountain, with "tarn" to swim in, a memorial garden, and a meditative "labyrynth".

Smith KREKK Alpacas
7525 Hahn Rd

Family owned and operated alpaca farm. Farm tours by appt.

For more things to do near Bangor, check the listings on the Allentown, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania or Easton pages.